Thought dump

Presenting my thoughts, stories and ideas to the world

7th August 2023

Churches in Edmonton are related to the vibrant Ethiopian and Eritrean community in Edmonton, Canada.

Ethiopian and Eritrean churches in Edmonton, where individuals from these communities gather to worship, celebrate their culture, and foster a sense of belonging. Let's explore these churches' significance and impact on the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities in Edmonton.

Spiritual haven for the Ethiopian community:

The represents the spiritual gathering place for both Ethiopian and Eritrean communities residing in Edmonton. This church acknowledges the cultural similarities between Ethiopia and Eritrea, allowing individuals from both communities to unite and celebrate their shared heritage. Despite any historical or political differences, it serves as a bridge, fostering unity and understanding among Ethiopians and Eritreans. The Ethiopia Eritrea Church Edmonton promotes a harmonious coexistence and highlights the values and traditions that bind these communities.

Spirituality and cultural expression:

Lastly, Gospel Chapel Ethiopia Church Edmonton offers a unique blend of spirituality and cultural expression. This church focuses on religious teachings and incorporates elements of Ethiopian culture, music, and dance into their worship services. By combining faith and cultural practices, Gospel Chapel Ethiopia Church provides a holistic experience that resonates deeply with the Ethiopian community in Edmonton. It offers a platform for artistic expression, celebration, and connection among individuals with a common faith and cultural heritage.

The Ethiopian Church Edmonton, Ethiopia Amharic Church, Ethiopia Eritrea Church Edmonton, and Gospel Chapel Ethiopia Church Edmonton play integral roles in the lives of the Ethiopian and Eritrean communities in Edmonton. These churches are pillars of spirituality, cultural preservation, and community cohesion. By catering to these communities' unique needs and aspirations, they create spaces where individuals can worship, maintain their cultural identity, and find solace in their shared heritage. The presence of these churches highlights the richness and diversity of Edmonton's multicultural fabric and emphasizes the importance of nurturing cultural and spiritual connections in a foreign land. Church is always a place where you can put your feeling before the god. All visitors are supposed to maintain the decorum of the holy place.

3rd June 2023

The advantages of regularly congregating and attending church

Everyone has different needs and reasons for wanting to participate in a church. Even though you don't know yet, they believe that God knows you, loves you and can give your life a better direction if you draw closer to Him.

Feel closer to God

You may have a question or need advice on something important. Maybe you need to feel that God loves and is there for you. As you listen to the talks and study the teachings of Jesus Christ, you will have opportunities to receive inspiration from God and thus feel closer to Him. He wants to communicate with you; the Church is a place to hear His voice in your mind and heart.

Participate in the Lord's Supper (or Communion)

You can participate in the Lord's Supper (communion) in the Church. As they keep this commandment each week at Church, they ponder, pray, and remember what Jesus Christ has done for them. Ethiopian Church Edmonton commit to following him and seeking inspiration on how you can be more like him.

Church services teach and enlighten us.

Feel connected, supported and understood.

You can make friends, have a sense of belonging, and have a support network to rely on. The community of the Church helps us to "mourn with those who mourn; yea, and to comfort them that need comfort.Ó

Learn from the living prophets.

In addition to the scriptures, they look to the living prophets and apostles to guide you. Although you can hear from them every Sunday, you have the opportunity to do so at least twice a year at offers some benefits of praying, such as sharing your doubts and problems with other people.

Religious beliefs

Beliefs have changed in recent years, especially in the most developed countries, where more and more people declare themselves atheists or agnostics. However, many claims to believe in God without following any specific religion. These new beliefs are based on the idea that there is indeed a superior being, a kind of force that created us but did not intervene in the affairs of men.

The Church refers to the physical building in which Christians worship or the congregation of Christians who believe in the same religion. In churches, believers who share a religion meet to celebrate various acts, such as ordinary masses or the different sacraments: baptism, communion, confirmation, and marriage. You can also sit on a bench and pray or request God's forgiveness for any offence committed through the sacrament of penance.

Benefits of going to church

However, although religion is a very personal issue and everyone has the right to live it as they prefer, since, after all, beliefs help us to be happier and face dilemmas such as death, there are many benefits of going to the church:

1- Solve your doubts

Both by talking with priests or pastors, as well as with other believers in the church, you can resolve some of your doubts regarding the main beliefs of your church and its precepts. Science has no place in religion, most things must be believed through faith, but faith is a complicated thing to have, especially in the very rational and scientific world you live in today, so Discussing your doubts with other people and knowing what they think can help you not doubt everything and keep your religious beliefs and ideas firm. Spiritual encounters, catechism, meetings or mass can help you with all your doubts.

2- Being part of a community

One of religion's great advantages is feeling welcomed and comforted by other people who think and believe the same as you. Religions help us face complicated processes, such as the death of a family member. Being in contact with other people who support you and comfort you in those challenging moments, making you feel that there is life after death, is tremendously consoling.

3- Celebrate the various religious acts

The main benefit of going to .

Praying is also Silence.

Those who recite only with words concerned only with the number of prayers they have to recite, what they have to say, and how to say it make prayer a duty, a moment of boredom, imposition, and monotony. Those who pray with heart and spirit don't even need words. His prayer is often made of silence, a silence that excludes the noise of the world, which leaves out the clamor of the crowd, the noise of thoughts, and allows access to a private and secret dialogue, a precious and invaluable face-to-face with God, and only with Him, who doesn't even need words to be consumed. Be ready to go to Gospel Ethiopian Church Edmonton today and experience talking to god in silence.

Praying is not imagining God. It is communicating with him.

When you pray in Gospel Chapel Ethiopia Church Edmonton, you must stay focused on God, not picture him or fantasize about him. Dialogue with God does not require you to imagine having him in front of you, giving him a face, a semblance. It's something to feel deep inside, an experience that requires serenity, calm, and concentration to feel his presence, to keep an otherwise ephemeral contact alive. You must give him your utmost attention and listen entirely, with a pure soul and a mind free from any thought.

Praying is listening to God.

Again, praying requires total and unconditional listening to God, His word, and His will. When you pray, you are not the protagonist of what is happening: it is always and only God. You place yourselves in wait for God, listening to grasp what He has to say to us, to understand what He expects from us. You can turn to him for advice, to vent your suffering, to seek answers to your fears, but he will answer you only when you are willing to listen to him when you have placed yourselves in a condition of humility waiting for his word.

When you love someone, you try to do everything in your power to please them, to make them happy. This is what you have to keep in mind also when with God. When you pray to him, you can ask him requests and questions and vent doubts, anger, and pain, but in the end, you only have to entrust yourselves to his will and do what he asks of you without delay. Are you ready to pray while following all these easy yet calming rules? Visit , what are the directions to follow? What does the etiquette say? You will explore everything you need to know for a memorable entrance!

Tips for the bride to enter the church

There are fundamental rituals and attitudes that a bride must absolutely follow when entering the church. Let's see which ones:

The veil: before setting foot in the church, the veil must be lowered and kept that way up to the altar. It is essential that there is a designated person who takes care of laying out the veil and training, like the bridesmaids.

The position: the bride must always stand to the left of the father and remain in that position also at the groom's side at the altar.

The bouquet: the bouquet must be held in the left hand, placed as soon as one enters the Eritrea Church Edmonton, and picked up again upon leaving. It is never good to hold it rigidly or too far from the body. The arms are relaxed.

Gloves: if you wear gloves, they must be removed to have your hands free to wear your wedding ring.

General rules for entering the church

Whether or not the etiquette is respected, the entrance to the

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